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Additional HEAD + 24V Joystick Control Box

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product description
  • Product Description:Additional HEAD + 24V Joystick Control Box
    For cameras weighing upto 30 lbs.

    Features :
    •This head has 360 degree end less tilting movement and 360 degree panning movement with reversal point.
    •You can use this head for outdoors shoot occasionally but with some sort of protection cover i.e rain cover or fiber sheet.
    •The Minimum height of Pan-Tilt head : "
    •The Maximum height of Pan-Tilt Head : "
    •We provide the user-guide with this Head which will help you set up and learn to use it.
    •Beautifully machined parts with the highest standards of industrial grade electronic components
    •We send this head in Special foam packing box to protect the shipment from damage during transportation.

    Specification :
    •This head has two gear that roates your camera at 360 degree at Pan & Tilt Rotation.
    •It has two 24 volt of motors.
    •It supports the cameras weighing upto 30 lbs.
    •It takes 2 minutes to pan at 360 degrees at its slowest speed without stopping and 5 seconds at its highest speed.
    •Remote controls the pan tilt movements smoothly and accurately.
    •The camera platform height can be adjusted at any point.
    •AC Adapter input - AC 100 - 240V; Output - DC 24V -2A
    •The joystick may be operated in the handheld position, from a flat surface such as a tabletop, or attached to the boom arm of Jib.
    •Weight of only Head itself is 9.5lbs

    JoyStick Control :
    •Head comes with Joystick control system, 7m Long Wire and AC Adapter.
    •The joystick may be operated in the handheld position, from a flat surface such as a tabletop, or attached to the boom arm of Jib.
    •You receive the Pan Tilt Head with assembled wiring with Top and Bottom Motor. You just need to Install the Power out to head (3 pin connector) and 24 volt DC power (4 pin XLR) in rear of joystick box.
  • Availability:Contact
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    Panter faks

    • Company introduction:Пантерфакс е фирма која е основана 1996 година чија дејност е трговија со видео и аудио опрема. Се вбројуваме меѓу најуспешните во областа на електронската заштита. Денес во современиот свет на живеење им помагаме на нашите потрошувачи и клиенти на поедноставен и полесен начин да дојдат до реализација на своите потреби од областа на: - аудио-видео надзор, - хардвер и софтвер, - медии и потрошен матерјал, - осветлување (рефлектори), комплетна опрема за работа на продукции и ТВ куќи. Исто така поседуваме богата палета на машини за броење на банкноти, монети и детектори за пари. Пантерфакс е сертифициран овластен дистрибутер на повеќето брендови кои ги увезува.
    • Contact Person Name:Пантер факс
    • Address:Живко Чинго 4 ( до ресторан Скопски мерак)
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Year registered:1996
    • Total employees:5
    • Geo Location:Show
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