Artistic Indian Granite Paradiso Bash
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product description
Product Description:Paradiso Bash is an artistic Indian granite with shades of brown, gold and gray veins. It's perfect for a kitchen counter, bathroom vanity top, sink, fireplace surround, or outdoor living space. If you are looking for a stylish natural stone that can be the focal point of any space you install it in, Paradiso Bash granite is a great choice for you. In addition to its high-quality appearance, Paradiso Bash granite is also a very durable material.
Category:Tiles & Accessories
Seller:Гранит Инг Груп
company profile
Гранит Инг Груп
- Company introduction:Granit Ing е гигантска компанија на македонскиот пазар со висок квалитет на производство и преработка на гранит и мермер, која постои од '90-тите години до ден-денес. Granit Ing нуди брзи и навремени услуги и на вистинско место и со пристапни цени.
- Contact Person Name:Хати
- Address:с.Боговиње
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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