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product description
Product Description:Reno Mattress is a structure with a large area and a small thickness made from double twisted hexagonal wire mesh, and is available in different sizes and dimensions.
Reno Mattresses are filled with stones on site. Reno mattresses are divided into multiply cells with internal compartments-diaphragms. Usage
These units are mainly designed to be used for river and channel bank protection works.
The wire that is used in the production of the mattresses can be:
- Steel wire heavily zinc coated (Zn)
- Steel wire heavily galvanized with Galmac (Zn,5% Al alloy)
- Steel wire heavily galvanized with Galmac (Zn,5% Al alloy) and PVC coated
The diameter of the selvedge wire is larger than the one of the mesh. This strengthens the structure more.
The combination of zinc and aluminum results with improved mechanical properties and microstructure of the wire. This wire is more resisting to corrosion and it is more resisting to corrosion, lasts longer for two to three times than the wire coated only with zinc.
The wire can also be PVC coated to completely eliminate the risk of corrosion. Characteristics
Using Reno Mattresses you can create a flexible, permeable and monolithic structure.
Their drainage capacity is created through the gaps between the stones which one mattress is filled in.
Reno Mattresses are filled with stones on site. Reno mattresses are divided into multiply cells with internal compartments-diaphragms. Usage
These units are mainly designed to be used for river and channel bank protection works.
The wire that is used in the production of the mattresses can be:
- Steel wire heavily zinc coated (Zn)
- Steel wire heavily galvanized with Galmac (Zn,5% Al alloy)
- Steel wire heavily galvanized with Galmac (Zn,5% Al alloy) and PVC coated
The diameter of the selvedge wire is larger than the one of the mesh. This strengthens the structure more.
The combination of zinc and aluminum results with improved mechanical properties and microstructure of the wire. This wire is more resisting to corrosion and it is more resisting to corrosion, lasts longer for two to three times than the wire coated only with zinc.
The wire can also be PVC coated to completely eliminate the risk of corrosion. Characteristics
Using Reno Mattresses you can create a flexible, permeable and monolithic structure.
Their drainage capacity is created through the gaps between the stones which one mattress is filled in.
Seller:Ergo Kom
Place of Origin:Italy
company profile
Ergo Kom
- Company introduction:ЕРГО КОМ ДООЕЛ Скопје е компанија која делува на пазарот за специјализирани градежни материјали. ЕРГО КОМ е ексклузивен застапник и дистрибутер за производите на познатиот светски производител на жичани производи и геосинтетици "Maccaferri", компанија основана во 1879г., светски призната како докажан партнер во сферата на проектирање и развој на напредни решенија во градежништвото и инженеринг на животната средина. ЕРГО КОМ може да стане Ваш доверлив партнер во испораката на високо квалитетни материјали првенствено наменети за употреба во нискоградбата, како и во развивање на решенија за стабилизација на земјиштето, контрола на ерозија, потпорни ѕидови, депонии, обложување на канали и реки, спречување на одрони на камења итн.
- Contact Person Name:Владимир Трајановски
- Address:ул. Костурски херои бр. 4-8
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Year registered:2011
- Geo Location:Show
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