Drainage geocomposites
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product description
Product Description:Drainage geo composites are prefabricated drainage products that directly replace the conventional drainage aggregates.
These products are used in the construction of roads and railroads, drainage of wall and basements, porters (retaining walls) in bridges, steep slopes, tunnels, landfills etc.
These materials consisting of:
-Geomat core for water transport..
The core can be made of two sets of parallel ribs of high density polyethylene- MacDrain N, integrally connected, or three-dimensional mono-filaments polypropylene fiber – MacDian W and MacDrain M
-Filtering material.
One or two layers of non-woven polypropylene or polyethylene geotextile.
-Polyethylene low density membrane as a replacement of one layer of geotextile, in cases where the product should be waterproof.
Benefits in using drainage geo composites:
Provides and keeps high flow of water and gas, maintaining the stability of the soil,,
Selecting drainage geo composite that fit the specific soil conditions and requirements,
Robustness preventing punctures and tearing during installation,
Separates and protects the structures of the material for fulfil
Lightweight and easy to manipulate
Manufacturing in a controlled environment which allows continued performance of the product,
Installation with less workers and equipment, as opposed to the traditional drainage installation. The drainage geo composite must fulfil the following criteria:
To be robust,
To survive the projected life of the structure,
Geotextile must filter the soil and allow water to flow in the core,
Geotextile must not be too much deformed and stop the flow,
The geotextile and the core should be resistant to chemicals and bacteria.
These products are used in the construction of roads and railroads, drainage of wall and basements, porters (retaining walls) in bridges, steep slopes, tunnels, landfills etc.
These materials consisting of:
-Geomat core for water transport..
The core can be made of two sets of parallel ribs of high density polyethylene- MacDrain N, integrally connected, or three-dimensional mono-filaments polypropylene fiber – MacDian W and MacDrain M
-Filtering material.
One or two layers of non-woven polypropylene or polyethylene geotextile.
-Polyethylene low density membrane as a replacement of one layer of geotextile, in cases where the product should be waterproof.
Benefits in using drainage geo composites:
Provides and keeps high flow of water and gas, maintaining the stability of the soil,,
Selecting drainage geo composite that fit the specific soil conditions and requirements,
Robustness preventing punctures and tearing during installation,
Separates and protects the structures of the material for fulfil
Lightweight and easy to manipulate
Manufacturing in a controlled environment which allows continued performance of the product,
Installation with less workers and equipment, as opposed to the traditional drainage installation. The drainage geo composite must fulfil the following criteria:
To be robust,
To survive the projected life of the structure,
Geotextile must filter the soil and allow water to flow in the core,
Geotextile must not be too much deformed and stop the flow,
The geotextile and the core should be resistant to chemicals and bacteria.
Category:Geosynthetics , Civil Engineering
Seller:Ergo Kom
Place of Origin:Italy
company profile
Ergo Kom
- Company introduction:ЕРГО КОМ ДООЕЛ Скопје е компанија која делува на пазарот за специјализирани градежни материјали. ЕРГО КОМ е ексклузивен застапник и дистрибутер за производите на познатиот светски производител на жичани производи и геосинтетици "Maccaferri", компанија основана во 1879г., светски призната како докажан партнер во сферата на проектирање и развој на напредни решенија во градежништвото и инженеринг на животната средина. ЕРГО КОМ може да стане Ваш доверлив партнер во испораката на високо квалитетни материјали првенствено наменети за употреба во нискоградбата, како и во развивање на решенија за стабилизација на земјиштето, контрола на ерозија, потпорни ѕидови, депонии, обложување на канали и реки, спречување на одрони на камења итн.
- Contact Person Name:Владимир Трајановски
- Address:ул. Костурски херои бр. 4-8
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Year registered:2011
- Geo Location:Show
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