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Birosef - Treasuries returned - BIRODOOR

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product description
  • Product Description:Treasury BIRODOOR doors can be made in Class II to Class X at EN1143-1. (Certificates of BDB-II, BDN-III, BDF-IV by ECB-S). Can tap the treasury spaces poured onsite or modular vaults. They can be equipped with additional safety grille, daytime closure. Apart from the prescribed minimum locks for individual classes, the treasury back BIRODOOR, can be installed and additional latches to meet the demands and needs of the client.
  • Seller:Birosef
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:DPTU “BIROSAFE” DOOEL Strumica is an engineering company founded in 2001 and is in the business of manufacturing, sales and mounting of security, fireproof and banking equipment (security and fireproof safes, cases, doors and vaults…) Our main clients are: Banks, Post offices, Ministries, Public enterprises, Legal subjects, Individuals… BIROSAFE has offices in all of the Balcan countries. We are present on the markets on former Yugoslav republics territories (Serbia, Monte Negro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Albania, Bulgaria…) As of November 2005 BIROSAFE has gained the ISO 9001 – Quality management system. BIROSAFE has its own service team, which is specially trained with removal of emerged defects and solving of any kind of issues connected with the functionality of our products, whether the warranty is active or not. In 2009 BIROSAFE became a member of "ESSA - European Security Systems Association, Frankfurt/Main" (www.ecb-s.com). In 2010 BIROSAFE has passed the security safes tests and gained the EUROPEAN SAFETY CERTIFICATE (EN1143-1), issued by the authorized European house “ESB-S – Germany”.
    • Contact Person Name:Продажба
    • Address:Гоце Делчев 121
    • Post Code:2400
    • City:Strumica , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
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