Datacard® MX1100™ Card Issuance System
- product description
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product description
Product Description:The Datacard® MX1100™ card issuance system is designed to help financial institutions, governments and other organizations take an affordable first step into centralized card issuance. This system is conveniently offered in several, fixed configurations with the flexibility to choose personalization and card delivery options to meet your specific needs. For a minimal investment, you can expect nothing but proven Datacard quality, reliability and ease-of-use. Personalize up to 600 cards per hour Choose from a variety of fixed configurations Create a complete card-to-envelope solution with optional card delivery
Category:Printers , Financial Equipment
Availability:On Order
Place of Origin:United States
Warranty:3 month
company profile
- Company introduction:БЦС доо е компанија од информатичкиот сектор и овозможува продажба, сервиси и имплементација на: - информатички системи - системи за евиденција на работно време и контрола на пристап - системи за печатење на идентификациони картички - системи за персонализација на кредитни картички(како магнетни така и чип картички) - уреди за броење на банкноти и монети - уреди за читање на баркодови
- Contact Person Name:Marin Ilovski
- Address:бул.АВНОЈ 64 лок.3
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Year registered:1992
- Total employees:11
- Geo Location:Show
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