Datacard® CD800™ Card Printer
- product description
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product description
Product Description:Print technology Direct-to-card dye-sublimation/resin thermal transfer Print capabilities One-sided (simplex) or optional two-sided (duplex) edge-to-edge printing Full-color and monochrome printing capability in the same printer Alphanumeric text, logos and digitized signatures; 1D/2D bar code images Printer pooling/sharing (available soon) Print resolution Standard mode: 300 x 300 dots per inch; standard text, bar code and graphics printing High-quality mode: 300 x 600 dots per inch for enhanced text, bar code and graphics printing; 300 x 1200 dots per inch for enhanced text and bar code printing 256 shades per color panel Print speed Full-color: Up to 220 cards per hour, one-sided (YMCKT); up to 165 cards per hour, two-sided (YMCKT-K) Monochrome: Up to 1,000 cards per hour, one-sided (Black HQ) Card capacity Automatic feed: 100-card input for 0.030 in. (0.76 mm) cards; 25-card output standard Front exception card slot Separate reject location and holding tray (two-sided printer model only) Input hopper empty detection Physical dimensions One-sided printing: L 17.4 in. x W 8.8 in. x H 8.8 in. (44.2 cm x 22.4 cm x 22.4 cm) Two-sided printing: L 21.2 in. x W 8.8 in. x H 8.8 in. (53.8 cm x 22.4 cm x 22.4 cm). Datacard Macedonia
Category:Printers , Financial Equipment
Availability:In Stock
Place of Origin:United States
Warranty:2 years
Minimum Order Quantity:1
company profile
- Company introduction:БЦС доо е компанија од информатичкиот сектор и овозможува продажба, сервиси и имплементација на: - информатички системи - системи за евиденција на работно време и контрола на пристап - системи за печатење на идентификациони картички - системи за персонализација на кредитни картички(како магнетни така и чип картички) - уреди за броење на банкноти и монети - уреди за читање на баркодови
- Contact Person Name:Marin Ilovski
- Address:бул.АВНОЈ 64 лок.3
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Year registered:1992
- Total employees:11
- Geo Location:Show
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