Notebook Accessories IDE or SATA 2nd SATA HDD HD Hard Driver Caddy for 12.7mm Universal CD / DVD-ROM Optical Bay
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product description
Product Description:This SATA-to-SATA or IDE-to-SATA Caddy is compatible with laptops that has a 12.7mm-thick / high optical bay.
Brand new and high quality.
Add a second hard drive to your laptop using your laptop's optical drive.
This is a great solution for those that want to add a second hard drive in their laptop.
This device/caddy will fit in a "standard" CD/DVD/optical drive bay found in laptop computers.
Simply pull out your CD/DVD drive and replace it with our optical bay hard drive caddy.
This is a good working adapter and is guaranteed.
Supports plug & Play.
Like a primary HDD, fast & reliable connection.
No cables/PSU/software driver needed.
HDD Interface: SATA.
Laptop/ mother board interface: SATA.
Fits for 12.7mm SATA interface hard drive.
Simple installation : remove CD-ROM drive and plug the adapter (plus hard drive) in slot.
Brand new and high quality.
Add a second hard drive to your laptop using your laptop's optical drive.
This is a great solution for those that want to add a second hard drive in their laptop.
This device/caddy will fit in a "standard" CD/DVD/optical drive bay found in laptop computers.
Simply pull out your CD/DVD drive and replace it with our optical bay hard drive caddy.
This is a good working adapter and is guaranteed.
Supports plug & Play.
Like a primary HDD, fast & reliable connection.
No cables/PSU/software driver needed.
HDD Interface: SATA.
Laptop/ mother board interface: SATA.
Fits for 12.7mm SATA interface hard drive.
Simple installation : remove CD-ROM drive and plug the adapter (plus hard drive) in slot.
Availability:In Stock
Seller:Max computers
Place of Origin:China
Warranty:6 months
Wholesale Price - VAT Excluded:1.000 MKD
Minimum Order Quantity:1
company profile
Max computers
- Company introduction:Макс компјутери на своите клиенти секогаш ќе се обидува да им понуди: • најквалитетни производи што моментално можат да се најдат на компјутерскиот пазар во светот • системи кои целосно ќе ги задоволат барањата на потрошувачите за перформанси, стабилност и привлечна цена • модерна и интерактивна презентација на хардверските експонати и на можностите на системите • сервис што во секое време и на секое место ќе им излезе во пресрет на корисниците и ќе биде подготвен да им одговори на предизвиците што ги носи развојот на технологијата Во нашата компанија работат високостручни кадри кои целосно им се посветени на развојот и усовршувањето на продуктите што можете да ги набавите кај нас и тоа не само заради потребата да бидеме први на пазарот, туку да ви овозможиме и вам да бидете секогаш пред конкурентите.
- Contact Person Name:Бошковски Јовица
- Address:Пиринска 47
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Year registered:2006
- Total employees:5
- Anual sales:25000000
- Geo Location:Show
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