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product description
Product Description:System for INSURANCE companies contains: • Standard ACCOUNTING modules (Accounting with budgeting, Fixed assets, Human resources, Payroll) • INSURANCE specific modules (Evidence and administration of insurance policy, Administration of damages) • POLICIES Registry and Administration modules (Autoresponsibility, Border insurance, Casco insurance, Green card, Work insurance, Compulsory road insurance, Personal insurance, Casco aircraft insurance, Casco boat insurance, Health insurance, Responsibility for project realization insurance) • TYPE of policy modules (Policy receipt from printing house with generating policy serial number, Generator for canceling eventually wrong entered policies' numbers, Printing input documents for input policies, Issuing policies to insurance agents, Printing output document for issued policies to agents, Generator for evidence of returned unrealized policies, Module for automotive journal entry in accounting financial effects from policies obligation, Evidence of realized policies, Module for automotive journal entry in accounting realized policies, Reports and inquiries generator) • DAMAGE administration modules (Evidence of registered damages, Creation Book of damages, Defining height of the damage, Creation journal entry for damage payment, Tracking payment for approved damage, Automotive journal entry in accounting, Report generator)
Availability:In Stock
Seller:Edu Soft
Place of Origin:Macedonia
Warranty:1 year
Minimum Order Quantity:1
company profile
Edu Soft
- Company introduction:EduSoft is an ISO 9001:2000 certified software engineering company with expertise and focus on high-quality software develpment. Founded in 1990 in Skopje, Macedonia, and pioneering the software product development process, EduSoft has consistently delivered quality software products and solutions to the leading companies and organizations in the region. Design, development and implementation of Software and e-Commerce -Solutions -Web development -Consulting in the area of IT -IT Education and training -Technical support for end users
- Contact Person Name:Бехар Хаџихамза
- Address:Стив Наумов 1-1/1
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Year registered:1990
- Total employees:25
- Export percentage:30
- Geo Location:Show
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