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    Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
    899 MKD

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    product description
  • Product Description:"Good Environmental Choice" awarded multi-purpose cleaner that's tough on grease, dirt and soil, but 100% safe for the environment. It cleans, eliminates unpleasant smells and kills 99.99% of bacteria. Designed for most cleaning tasks, one product does it all! Suitable for both household and industrial applications. The natural, non-corrosive formulation means that it can be applied to multiple surfaces including: inox, chromium surfaces, plastics, wood, tiles, vinyl and fabrics. No preservative, non-toxic and food-safe certified, 100% Biodegradable.
    PACKAGING: 500ml, 1L, 5L, 10L, 20L, 25L;
    INGREDIENTS: Water, enzymes, essential oils.
    CERTIFICATES & APPROVALS: AQIS, APVMA, WA HALAL, GECA, Australian-made campaign, AVA Singapore, SA Water, Water Corp., Macedonian Ministry of health Approval No. 15-4944/2 from 11.08.2014 etc.
  • Availability:In Stock
  • Seller:GOE Europe
  • Place of Origin:Australia
  • Warranty:2 years
  • Minimum Order Quantity:1
  • company profile

    GOE Europe

    • Company introduction:OUR STORY: Slowly, but ever so surely, the planet’s population is finally beginning to realise that we really should start being a little kinder to the world in which we live. Years of abuse, from hacking down hectare upon hectare of rainforest, to catastrophic oil spills and decades of relentless pollution has put our beautiful Earth in a very real danger. At last, measures are being put into place by governments around the world to help keep the planet smiling – and you can do your bit, too. Both household and industrial cleaning products can be hugely detrimental to the health of the Earth. Those tiny diagrams of dying fish, barren trees and arid wastelands appear on many cleaning bottles, from toilet cleaner to furniture polish. OUR MISSION: We want to help businesses and people efficiently maintain the hygiene and manage their waste, offering a greener, healthier cleaning products without compromising the safety of our future generations. We are a bunch of young people who believe in coexistence with the natural world. COMPANY PROFILE: The brand - "GOE", founded in 1992 is dedicated to the production of natural range products for cleaning and removing odors using bio-enzyme technology. GOE Europe Ltd, from a modern production facility in Perth, Western Australia, has made these products available on the European market. Our products are in full compliance with national and global food safety regulations. BENEFITS: - 100% Safe for the environment, man, plants & animals - Suitable for household and industrial use - Odor Removal - 99.99% Antibacterial kill rate! - Economical. Just Add Water. CERTIFICATES & APPROVALS: THOR Antimicrobial Test Report (99.99%), Australian Made Certificate, Good Environmental Choice Australia Certificate, Food-Safe Declaration, Macedonian Ministry of Health Approval No. 15-4944/2 from 11/08/2014
    • Contact Person Name:Aleksandar
    • Address:Ул. Гоце Делчев бр. 34
    • Post Code:2000
    • City:Stip , Macedonia
    • Year registered:2014
    • Geo Location:Show
    • More details
    Retail Price - VAT Included:3.999 MKD



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