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Projects, equipment, construction in the area of ​​environmental protection

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product description
  • Product Description:"Eco-Engineering" offers construction projects for many types of plants, through cooperation with renowned manufacturers of the equipment, and then realization (construction) of such installations, and in particular:

    1.Within the protection of the environment, and in order not to emit pollutants into the environment, everyone is obliged to have built sootvetni plants:

    - Drinking water treatment plants of the population, and clean water for industry needs
    - Bio-rotors biological aerobic wastewater treatment
    - Stationary biological wastewater cleaner
    - Bio-waste water tanks for a smaller number of equivalent inhabitants
    - Separators for separating sediment, oils and fats; fatty atmosferical processing, procedural and technological water, designed for places where there is a danger of water pollution
    - Mastolov processing wastewater with higher fat content, using wastewater in all places have a greater amount of fat and organic matter
    - Devices for automatic, continuous extraction of fat, extracting oil from separators, tanks, technological pits
    - Other environmental projects and environmental facilities
    2. Given that we establish contacts with relevant companies that produce environmental equipment and facilities, "Eco-Engineering can offer small business and environmental equipment and esspecially:

    - Postrojak separation of municipal solid waste and other
    - Equipment for recycling:
    - Used tires
    - Waste plastics
    - Glass
    - Used filters
    - Old TV screens and computers
    - Waste oils
    - Other equipment

    3. "Eco-Engineering" offers procurement and construction of vessels (tanks) under pressure, which would find application in the economy, and that the following types:

    - Tanks for propane-butane (LPG) Liquefied Petroleum Gas
    - CO2 tanks
    - O2 tanks
    - Industrial boilers
    - Compressed air tanks

    As compatible products of this program, it is possible to purchase and perform:/p>

    - Vertical light and heavy fuel oil tanks
    - Horizontal light and heavy fuel oil tanks
    - All kinds of silises
    - Firefighting vessels
    - Water boilers
    - Other similar products/li>

    The volume of containers of this program will be the smallest, and especially in the range of 1 m3 and 100 m3.
  • Availability:Contact
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:Eco-Engeneering is a company that serves consulting and trading services, import-export. The company was established in 2005 by a group of enthusiastic and dedicated to the consulting and services in the following areas: environment, health and safety at work, food safety , ISO-standaredite and other similar areas. Priority activity of the company is 71.12. Engineering and Technical Advisory, and registered activities are fields in the foreign trade turnover. Throughout this period of action, we made efforts undertaken some activities, provided a wide range of experiences studied sootvetni solutions, and managed in cooperation with relevant companies and professionals to create a professional team that ensures quality approach to the provision of services in the area of ​​environmental environment, safety and health, food safety, ISO implementation and standardization, as well as other areas, behind which stands a wide range of already prepared documentation and realized projects. Our activities over the period to date are directed towards cooperation with other legal and natural persons for joint action in the field, and performing activities for the needs of other legal and natural persons.
    • Contact Person Name:Гордана
    • Address:Партизански Одреди 5
    • Post Code:7500
    • City:Prilep , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
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