Stage and aluminum frame
- product description
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product description
Product Description:Con Trek provides full service in the field of rental of audio and visual equipment, simultaneous interpretation/translation for conferences, corporate events and celebrations. Our goal is to connect people and we are doing with innovative features that include: • Audio - Visual Equipment • Equipment for simultaneous translation • Lighting equipment • Stage design • LED / LCD Products • Equipment for presentation. We offer a large selection of the highest quality and most innovative technology to contribute to the success of your business. Count on us as a partner with whom your presentation will contribute to your success
Category:Conference Services
Seller:Kon Trek
company profile
Kon Trek
- Company introduction:Кон Трек обезбедува целосна услуга во доменот на изнајмување аудио и визуелна опрема и опрема за симултан превод при одржување на конференции , корпоративни настани и свечености. Нашата цел е да ги поврземе луѓето и тоа го правиме со иновативни опции кои вклучуваат: Аудио – визуелна опрема Опрема за симултан превод Опрема за осветлување Сценски дизајн ЛЕД/ЛЦД производи Опрема за презентација
- Contact Person Name:Зоран
- Address:Спиро Гулапчев 1
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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