POTATO - Wholesale
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product description
Product Description:Atlantic LLC works with wholesale of fruit and vegetables. Atlantic ransoms, imports and exports fresh fruits and vegetables. The ransom is performed at wholesale and retail. We own a cold storage warehouse that has a chamber with latest technology for ripening of bananas and room for storage of fruits and vegetables. We have our own fleet of delivery and deliver wholesale quantities of fruit and vegetables in and out of Macedonia
Category:Fresh Vegetables
Seller:Atlantik DOOEL
company profile
Atlantik DOOEL
- Company introduction:Atlantic ransoms, imports and exports fresh fruits and vegetables. The ransom is performed at wholesale and retail. We own a cold storage warehouse that has a chamber with latest technology for ripening of bananas and room for storage of fruits and vegetables. We have our own fleet of delivery and deliver wholesale quantities of fruit and vegetables in and out of Macedonia
- Contact Person Name:Продажба
- Address:Јадранска магистрала 103 (Качанички пат)
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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