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Ada Falke

  • Company introduction:ADA Falk is a company that provides service rental of portable toilets and maintenance of hygiene of the same with special vehicles for delivery and order picking at sign out. We have appropriate equipment for this kind of public work ie mobile toilets and special vehicles for collection and disposal of wastewater. Suspension of wastewater is carried out on legally regulated areas under a contract with JP Water supply and sewage. It has expertise and experience of renting and maintaining hygiene of portable toilets and a single goal - high quality service and high level of hygiene in the business. This activity allows us to contribute in maintaining a clean environment and to be chain link in "public health concern." Always ready for cooperation. OUR MISSION We, with our business to provide a significant contribution and to increase the level of awareness in R. Macedonia among its population of respect for the environment in which it lives in order to come to the level of the European legal requirements of environmental regulations regarding the issue of environmental protection. OUR VISION By continuity and professionalism by working in the field of management of portable toilets to provide representation and use in all of the location where there is a need for a functional sanitary facilities, that is, in fact, a basic condition for ensuring hygiene.
  • Contact Person Name:Суада
  • Address:бул.К.Ј.Питу 24 лок.3
  • Post Code:1000
  • City:Skopje , Macedonia
  • Geo Location:Show





Company profile complete65.62%
Number of products7
Member since03 Avg, 2011
Last activity12:39:49 , 05 Feb, 2025
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