Company introduction:Accounting firm " Zhidimex" is activity subscription accounting and consulting, including extensive and diverse range of services : accounting and tax consulting , analysis and evaluation of the actual state of the enterprise, and if necessary - a proposal for alternative solutions on the management and financial resources; subscription accounting , with a choice of service package : double entry accounting , stock records , registers for VAT , reports CO and ZO , reports NSI personnel and payroll , preparation of applications for bank loans processing of accounting documents , analyzes, reports, statements and more. according to the specific activity of the client company . CONTACT: Head Office - Varna, Address: Varna 9000, "Studentska" № 6 , 2nd floor, at.5 -1 : 052/ 301 959, GSM: 0888 851 938 , Office of Kazanlak - Address: 6100 Kazanlak , "Kiril and Methodius " № 5 , 1st floor , office 1, tel : 0431/636 26, GSM: 0888 851 938 e-mail: Contact Person Name:Живка Михалева Железова Address:гр.Варна, ул. "Студентска" №6, ет.2, ат.5-1 Post Code:9000 City:Varna , Bulgaria Cell Phone #:00359888851938 Telephone #:00359301959
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OtherCompany profile complete | 59.38% | Number of products | 2 | Member since | 09 Feb, 2014 | Last activity | 14:06:15 , 10 May, 2014 |