Trip to Santorini
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Eksurziya do ostrov Santorini s avtobus prez septemvri - 6 dni, 4 noshtuvki za 555 leva. Tsenata vklyuchva: Transport s komforten avtobus; Edna noshtuvka sŭs zakuska v khotel 3* v Atina; Tri noshtuvki sŭs zakuski v khotel Alexandra 3* v iztochnata chast na Santorini; Pŭtni, magistralni i feribotni taksi i bileti; Vodach prez tsyaloto pŭtuvane; Meditsinska zastrakhovka „Asistans” s pokritie 5000 evro /za litsa nad 65 godini ima doplashtane/. Dati na otpŭtuvane: 04 Septemvri; 25 Septemvri. Otpŭtuvane ot Sofiya ot stadion Vasil Levski v 06:00 ch. Vrŭshtane s noshten prekhod do Bŭlgariya.
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Trip to Santorini by bus in September - 6 days, 4 nights for 555 BGN. Price includes: Transport with comfortable bus, one night with breakfast in 3 * hotel in Athens and three nights with breakfast in 3 * Hotel Alexandra in the eastern part of Santorini; Road, highway and ferry fees and ticketing; guide throughout his journey; Medical Insurance "Assistance" to cover € 5,000 / for persons over 65 years have an extra charge /. Departure Dates: September 4, September 25. Departure from Sofia Vasil Levski Stadium at 06:00 pm. Return to the night shift to Bulgaria.
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Eksurziya do ostrov Santorini s avtobus prez septemvri - 6 dni, 4 noshtuvki za 555 leva. Tsenata vklyuchva: Transport s komforten avtobus; Edna noshtuvka sŭs zakuska v khotel 3* v Atina; Tri noshtuvki sŭs zakuski v khotel Alexandra 3* v iztochnata chast na Santorini; Pŭtni, magistralni i feribotni taksi i bileti; Vodach prez tsyaloto pŭtuvane; Meditsinska zastrakhovka „Asistans” s pokritie 5000 evro /za litsa nad 65 godini ima doplashtane/. Dati na otpŭtuvane: 04 Septemvri; 25 Septemvri. Otpŭtuvane ot Sofiya ot stadion Vasil Levski v 06:00 ch. Vrŭshtane s noshten prekhod do Bŭlgariya.
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Trip to Santorini by bus in September - 6 days, 4 nights for 555 BGN. Price includes: Transport with comfortable bus, one night with breakfast in 3 * hotel in Athens and three nights with breakfast in 3 * Hotel Alexandra in the eastern part of Santorini; Road, highway and ferry fees and ticketing; guide throughout his journey; Medical Insurance "Assistance" to cover € 5,000 / for persons over 65 years have an extra charge /. Departure Dates: September 4, September 25. Departure from Sofia Vasil Levski Stadium at 06:00 pm. Return to the night shift to Bulgaria.
Availability:In Stock
Seller:King Travel
Minimum Order Quantity:1
company profile
King Travel
- Company introduction:King Travel Ltd is a well established travel company with inbound and outbound tourism as its core business . Fully government licensed you can rest assured that your holiday and your money is in safe hands. Competence, reliability and best prices make King Travel the choice of individuals, groups and tour operators. We are an all-round travel company offering wide-ranging services in tourism. We specialised in providing inexpensive holidays and excellent customer service. You can trust us to arrange you with the most extensive range of low cost travel opportunities from all inclusive tour packages and luxury getaways, to late travel bargains, ski holidays, cruises and package holidays.
- Contact Person Name:Мария Добрева
- Address:гр. София, бул. Тодор Каблешков 24
- Post Code:1404
- City:Sofia , Bulgaria
- Cell Phone #: : клик
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- Fax #: : клик
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