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Aluminium foil Mimosa

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product description
  • Description:There are 6 kinds of Mimosa aluminium foil - 2 kinds in carton box with dimensions 290 mm x 10 m and 290 mm x 20 m, and 4 kinds of aluminium foil in rolls with dimensions 290 mm x 10 m, 290 mm x 20 m, 290 mm x 30 m, 450 mm x 8 m.
  • Availability:In Stock
  • company profile

    Alta Bulgaria

    • Company introduction:"Alta Bulgaria" LTD has been operating on the Bulgarian market since 1992 and is one of the leading distribution companies in the FMCG sector. The company's product portfolio includes over 330 products in three main product groups: food (including pets), confectionery and household products and personal care products under its own brands and exclusive representation. Among the priorities are the company's renovation and expansion of its portfolio with high-quality and healthy products. The company is the exclusive representative of Kellogg GmbH - the largest producer of cereals in the world sugar conglomerate Cadbury Kent, Sante - established a Polish manufacturer of granola, granola bars, crunchy, Zepa Marketing Inc. - A leader in the production and processing of olives, Candia Nuts - Make a Greek dessert with honey and nuts brand Minos. Own brands of the company are: Ocean - tuna, anchovies, sardines, mackerel, seafood, Elabo - tuna and seafood, Neptun - Tuna, Del Alma - olive oils, balsamic vinegar from Modena, olives, pasta olive, Campese - oil, Mapa - pasta, instant noodles, pineapple, Mimosa - household products and personal care, Jungle - cat and dog food. Our activity is carried out through a flexible structure that covers the following areas: -Administration -Commercial Department, which serves key customers, stores in Sofia by EX Van system, and customers through sub-distributors in the country, has its own team of trained merchandisers. -Marketing and Advertising -Warehouse and own transport. The company employs over 100 employees, most of whom have long service with the company.
    • Contact Person Name:отдел продажби
    • Address:София, бул. Ботевградско шосе 247, офис сграда 4, ет. 1
    • Post Code:1517
    • City:Sofia , Bulgaria
    • Telephone #: : клик
    • Geo Location:Show
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