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Self-stage centrifugal pump

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product description
  • Description:Single-stage self-priming centrifugal pump is used for pumping water without abrasive or long-fiber covering also chemically - active substances, because of the material from which is made the pump. It is not designed for pumping diesel, mineral oil or other oil liquids. The pump has high suction power, low noise and mechanical seal made ​​of stainless steel. Main areas of application - for watering the garden, filling and emptying the tanks and reservoirs to supply water to houses, etc.
  • Availability:In Stock
  • company profile

    P & M Consulting

    • Company introduction:P & M Consulting Corp. operates more than eighteen years in the field of heating, air conditioning, water and sanitation as a representative and distributor of leading European manufacturers of pumps and pumping equipment - Grundfos, Homma, JA, Wilo, ZDS, s up, Dachi Motors. Our engineers can offer to each of engineering solution - design, works, installation and chief-installation, warranty and post warranty service for all products and systems offered by us. Import of pumps and pumping equipment from leading European companies. We offer complete engineering, installation, servicing of pumps, PPP, boosters and drainage systems for households, hotels, water treatment plants, pumps Food industry.
    • Contact Person Name:Ленко Илиев
    • Address:кв. Симеоново, ул. Босилек №55A (Симеоновско шосе, след околовръстен път)
    • Post Code:1434
    • City:Sofia , Bulgaria
    • Telephone #: : клик
    • Geo Location:Show
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