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Placing spirals

Placing spirals

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product description
  • Description:If you want to give your product a different kind, or have catalogs, brochures and menus that you can bind, putting mascara is a convenient solution. We from Frodo printing we can do this for you. Before placing the helix pierced whole edition in ready and then put holes spiral.
  • Availability:In Stock
  • Seller:Frodi
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:Company "Frodi" Ltd was established in 2000 We started off with a printing press "Romayor" and Russian knife. Subsequently, the company is equipped with monochrome machines "Heidelberg" and guillotine "Perfekta" and peripherals for bookbinding services. We currently offer a closed cycle of production of a good little printer. The company offers printing services - offset printing and pad printing of books, catalogs, calendars, business cards, postcards and more. The company is a distributor for the entire country.
    • Contact Person Name:Игнатов
    • Address:София, кв. Дружба, бул. Асен Йорданов 11 (Тих труд)
    • Post Code:1592
    • City:Sofia , Bulgaria
    • Cell Phone #:0887 359 117 , 0884 558 388
    • Telephone #:0878 359 117
    • Geo Location:Show


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