- product description
- company profile
product description
Description:УСЛУГИ С КОЛЕСЕН И ВЕРИЖЕН БАГЕР - масови изкопи; - изкоп на земна маса; - изкоп основи на сгради; - изкоп на канали; - изкоп на водопроводи; - вертикални планировки; - подравняване на терени; - натоварване на скални маси и строителни отпадъци от разрушени сгради; - разполагаме с механизация, подходяща за тесни обекти и труднопроходими условия.
Availability:In Stock
Seller:NADIN - 95
Place of Origin:Bulgaria
company profile
NADIN - 95
- Company introduction:Excavation and a crawler excavator, transport of earth and debris, transporting large machinery, rolling and sealing of roads, playgrounds, parking lots, service loader, chipping of concrete and rock with a hydraulic hammer, demolition, cleaning drainage channels and gullies. The company has a suitable geophysical equipment and experience required for measuring conductivity in soil and water, as well as profiling and mapping of successive differences in the geological, hydrological and abnormal conditions, as well as locating tanks, containers, drums, pipes, and other communications.
- Contact Person Name:Димитър Георгиев
- Address:ул. Добротица 17
- Post Code:9000
- City:Varna , Bulgaria
- Cell Phone #:089 9190365
- Telephone #:052 614367, 052 614367