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Pleated Blinds

  • product description
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product description
  • Description:Pleated blinds are an integral part of the feeling of romance and luxury to your home or office. They combine the modern design and control light, reduce room temperature and visibility.
    Available in three ways to manage, 9 models of movement of the cloth and the special model "day and night". Blinds "day and night" give exotic look of the room because you are made of two models colored fabrics, with varying degrees of Retro-reflection and permeability, which allows you to experiment with the premises.
  • Category:Home Decor
  • company profile

    Клауди 2011 ЕООД

    • Company introduction:When you furnish your home or workplace, is a leading interest in modern and unconventional design that is functional and practical. That is why the company Claudi presents broad portfolio of different types and models blinds meeting this your aspiration. Our extensive product range, extensive mounting options and the variety of colors and patterns help your ideas become reality, to turn your home into a beautiful and enjoyable place to gather with loved ones. Do not forget, however, that concurrent and integral part of our interior blinds remain a universal and excellent remedy for sun protection on hot summer days.
    • Contact Person Name:Анатоли Димитров
    • Address:кв.Дружба, бл.408, вх.В, от към градинката
    • Post Code:1582
    • Cell Phone #:0898344409
    • Telephone #:0878770402


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