Wind curtains for restaurants and barbecues from PVC crystal
- product description
- company profile
product description
Description:Фирма Мадлен ЕООД предлага Ветроупорни завеси за заведения, барбекюта, тераси и др. от ПВЦ кристал.
При интерес може да се свържете на посочените контакти
0889 89 27 17
При интерес може да се свържете на посочените контакти
0889 89 27 17
Availability:In Stock
company profile
- Company introduction:Company "MADLEN" EOOD. Stara Zagora has a manufacturing plant in Hrishteni. The company specializes in the manufacture of products made of PVC fabric - canvas and crystal. For devices we use high quality materials.
- Contact Person Name:Минко Минев
- Address:с. Хрищени
- Post Code:6050
- City:Stara Zagora , Bulgaria
- Cell Phone #: : клик
- Telephone #: : клик
- Geo Location:Show
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