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Абсорбатор Indesit H 563 IX

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product description
  • Description:ndesit cooker hood not only eliminates odors and fatty deposits, but it is also very important addition to the overall design and aesthetics of the kitchen. The "half load" is perfect for you when announces to wash a few dishes, load only the top rack and so save time and power. The most common type of absorber depends on the width of countertop cooking. There are many different types of models for building and type of fireplace that give a professional look to your kitchen. Hoods with the removal of the air after passing through the filter is taken out directly. Absorber recirculation (no external display), filtered air through a filter of activated carbon or metal and returning the room fresh. Indesit hoods are equipped with ActInp charcoal filter or metal filter against fat. Filters efficiently absorb any odors and grease to make cooking enjoyable process.
    Width: 60.0
    Height: 3.17
    Depth: 29.5
    absorption capacity (m3 / h): 230
  • company profile

    Indesit Company Ltd Bulgaria

    • Company introduction:Електроуреди Indesit.Ергономичен дизайн с лекота на управление. Отлични резултати с минимална консумация. Оригиналният и модерен дизайн на новите перални със сушилня Prime, в съчетание с комбинацията от цветове, им придава отличителен вид.
    • Contact Person Name:г-жа Едит Хачикиян
    • Address:бул.”Драган Цанков” 36, блок Б, офис 412
    • Post Code:1057
    • City:Sofia , Bulgaria
    • Telephone #: : клик
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