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Rectangular fire damper FK-EU

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product description
  • Description:In case of a fire, fire dampers shut automatically to prevent the propagation of fire and smoke through ductwork to adjacent designated fire compartments. Type FK-EU fire dampers are tested to EN 1366-2 and comply with EN 15650. Local requirements and building inspectorate approvals are essential in the country where the units are to be installed. Correct approved installation locations are in solid walls and ceiling slabs, on the face of solid walls, adjacent to and remote from solid walls, upright on solid ceiling slabs, in lightweight partition walls, in lightweight fire walls, and in shaft walls. Installation in horizontal and vertical ducts. Airflow direction is not critical.
  • Availability:In Stock
  • company profile

    TROX Austria GmbH

    • Company introduction:The art of managing air Good air quality is a factor in your life. Whether outdoors or in a confined space, we only feel better in the fresh air. Airs, the elixir of life, allowing us to breathe freely. He isosvezhava, inspires and gives us the energy to live and work. TROX understands the art of full control of air better than any company in the world. In close collaboration with demanding clients worldwide, we successfully produced the leading technology, systems and components for managing change and ventilatsiyashy premises. We consistently expand this position by intensive research and development. Individual opinion is the focus of TROX: as client with modern ideas and technology objectives, motivated and qualified employee of a company as a responsible leader makes the decisions, and last but not least, as a human being who would like to live and work in a well -ventilated areas. Since our corporation was founded, we uphold this philosophy and we guarantee to our reputation. This created the distinctive character of our clients and is an indication of our approach aimed at finding solutions for each client, which success of our company.
    • Contact Person Name:Марин Недков
    • Address:София, ул. Г.С.Раковски 123
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Sofia , Bulgaria
    • Telephone #: : клик
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