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Nutritional Supplements - Coriolus-MRL

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product description
  • Description:Koriolus-MRL is not an extract and contains mycelium and fruiting bodies of Koriolus verzikolor grown under sterile conditions for biomass.
    DID Company uses proprietary technology for the cultivation of mushrooms in California.
    6 tablets Koriolus MRL-day (3 tablets morning and night, 30 minutes before meals). Maintenance dose - 3 tablets once daily sutrin.Tozi is not a substitute for a varied hranene.Da heavenly exceed the recommended daily dose.

    Favorably affect the immune sistema.Pri pregnancy, breastfeeding or taking medications, consult your doctor.
    Bioactive substance: Koriolus verzikolor (Coriolus versicolor) fungal biomass cultivated 500mg/tabletka.
    Additional ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, Emulsifier, modified cellulose hardener - Silica thickeners: Plant magnezievstearat iRastitelna stearinovakiselina.

    Contains no artificial colors, artificial preservatives and gluten.
    Suitable for vegetarians.
    Store in a cool, dry place.
    Keep out of reach of children.


    90 tablets, Net: 68.4g
  • company profile

    MLD Trading Ltd

    • Company introduction:MLD Trading is a dynamic company operating successfully in the marketing and distribution of pharmaceuticals and medical products. It is registered and operates as a wholesaler with its own warehouse and is licensed by the Ministry of Health as an importer and distributor of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and intimate supplements. Its main areas of activity include know-how, marketing and distribution of niche products in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, oncology and Dermatology. The company has a department for registration of new products and the clinical trials unit (CRO).
    • Contact Person Name:Жулиета Златева
    • Address:кв. Лозенец, ул. Черноризец Храбър 2
    • Post Code:1164
    • City:Sofia , Bulgaria
    • Telephone #: : клик
    • Geo Location:Show
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