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massage - therapeutic services

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product description
  • Description:With the help of these therapies in Medea, You will discover yourself, your body Classic massage - classic European massage that is applied to tone and relax the body. It helps carry the products of fatigue, strengthens the immune system, improves blood circulation in the skin, subcutis and muscles, improves the nervous system. Sports Massage - This massage aims faster and full onset of training in athletes maintain and improve this fitness levels and rapid recovery of the body by removing the products of muscle fatigue. The massage covers various parts of the body or the whole body, depending on the assumed sports activities. Reflexology - by treating the feet (hands) with massage techniques through which a nervous reflex time affect internal organs and systems. Apply for diseases of all organ systems. They expressed antispasmodic, analgesic and regulatory action. Anti-cellulite massage - stimulates metabolism, excretion of retained fluids and toxins and regeneration of cells in the problem areas. Improves blood and lymphatic circulation,. Removes cellulite nodes and shape silhouette. Manual therapy - physiotherapy in orthopedic and traumatic diseases, including preparing individual program by manual tricks, techniques and therapeutic rehabilitation exercises coordinated with the disease and the patient. The goal is to eliminate patobiomehanichnite events and restore normal mobility in a joint, and thus restoring motor stereotype the norm. Reflexology - through working with various massage techniques of the body surface affected the organ associated with it through the nervous system. It is used in dysfunction of various organs and systems. Honey massage - supports the release of all the accumulated slag and toxins in the body. Powerful way to influence the human body, recovering after a long and severe illness, after great physical and psychological stress. Massage Cupping - old massage method effective for colds, muscular pains, overload and overvoltage. Massage helps the healing process, exempt from blockages and toxins the body charges. Etirichni massage oils - a complex therapeutic massage with individual aromatic oils. Essential oils are carriers of the most valuable components of the herb from which are derived. This defines the amazing quality of treatment - antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, stimolirashti, refreshing, soothing and more. Through the powerful forces of nature this extremely relaxing massage will help restore the disturbed balance. Hot stone massage - a new technique to achieve harmony and balance between the energy of the human body and energy of nature. Obtain the complete relaxation, reducing stress, fatigue and pain energizing. Hot stone massage at the same time restores and rejuvenates the body (face and body), pleasure and enjoyment. Body wrapping - comes from English and means "Tight swaddling the body." This is a method of weight loss and elimination of cellulite on thighs and body. Decreases body circumference and improve the overall condition and appearance. Especially effective method for correction and modeling of the figure - without dieting and surgery. Body wrapping is an advanced method for efficient impact on cellulite and subcutaneous fat deposits, fast weight loss and glowing skin. The procedure is performed with a thermal blanket.
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:Medical Cosmetic Center Medea is the market of laser aesthetic services in 2001 Our goal is to create and provide to you - our customers a product that meets your requirements for quality and state of the art. In Medea, we want you to feel comfortable, cared for and rewarded. We strive to continuously study and offer the latest scientific and technical achievements in the professional sphere of our activity. We maintain a team of highly qualified, dedicated and motivated staff who are trained and certified in France, Italy and Bulgaria in the period and professionally solve your problem. Each specialist is aware of the importance of their actions in terms of meeting your requirements and prosperity of the organization. Study your needs, requirements and proposals that serve to improve our services and performance improvement of the system of quality management. Medea is certified to quality standard ISO 9001:2000. We do not allow the creation and supply of a deviation. We strive to provide the most modern infrastructure and meet the highest international hygiene standards. We do not want you to change completely and do a pretty small change that will give you confidence and self-esteem that are beautiful and actually have always been such. Come to find different concerns, which is only for you.
    • Contact Person Name:Нели Тонева
    • Address:Варна, ул. Никола Вапцаров 3В
    • Post Code:9026
    • City:Varna , Bulgaria
    • Cell Phone #:087 8712222
    • Telephone #:052 712222
    • Geo Location:Show
    Price VAT Included:40,00 BGN

    Refreshing aroma massage

    Price VAT Included:40,00 BGN

    Relaxing aroma massage


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