Coenzyme Q10 from 15 mg - 30 tablets
- product description
- company profile
product description
Description:Коензим Q10 таблетки на Натстим е хранителна добавка, която спомага за антиоксидантната защита на организма. Всяка таблетка съдържа 15 мг Коензим Q10. Дозировка: по една таблетка 2-3 пъти дневно след храна.
Category:Food Supplements , Pharmacy
Availability:In Stock
company profile
- Company introduction:Pharmacy Vega offers quality pharmaceutical care and attention. The pharmacy works with finished dosage forms, herbs and cosmetics. Vega pharmacy offers wide assortment of: medications, vitamins and minerals, medical cosmetics, dietary supplements, homeopathic medicines, medical equipment and supplies, herbs and more. Pharmacy Vega works with yellow and green recipes.
- Contact Person Name:Аптека Вега
- Address:Пловдив, ж.к. Тракия, ул. Съединение, Търговски Комплекс Братя Мирчеви
- Post Code:4023
- City:Plovdiv , Bulgaria
- Cell Phone #: : клик
- Telephone #: : клик
- Geo Location:Show
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