Детска стая "Яна"
- product description
- company profile
product description
Description:Зарадвайте вашето дете с пълно обзавеждане на неговата стая.Цветовете са бял гланц и виола шагре. Материал ЛПДЧ 18 мм. Леглото е с ракла и надстройка с размери 93/225/152 за матрак 90/190. Гардероба е с размери 90/60/195. Скрина е с размери 90/45/85. Огледалото е с размери 75/100. Бюрото е с надстройка с размери 95/60/180. Срока за изработка е 20 дни. В цената не е включен матрак.
Place of Origin:Bulgaria
Warranty:2 years
company profile
- Company introduction:MIPA Ltd. is one of the leading producers of furniture and accessories in Bulgaria. It is a privately owned company, created in 1994 in the town of Shumen, in North-East Bulgaria. The company is specialized in the design, development, manufacturing and installing furniture for residential, hotel, office and public buildings. We offer products from solid wood, MDF, Chipboard panels with melamine boards, adding PVC coating is also an option. We carefully select all materials to ensure furniture of high quality and great comfort. Our closed-cycle: design, visualization, production, delivery and installing is our main advantage that ensures speed and quality in the completion of each project. We are very flexible and fast, able to absorb new products within 15 days. MIPA Ltd. has its own transport fleet for delivering furniture to every customer in Bulgaria.
- Contact Person Name:Митев
- Address:Шумен ул. Алеко Константинов 24
- Post Code:9703
- City:Shumen , Bulgaria
- Cell Phone #: : клик
- Telephone #: : клик
- Geo Location:Show
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