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Сметанови торти

  • product description
  • company profile
product description
  • Description:Тайната на тортите се крие в богатството от продукти и в специфичния им начин на комбиниране. Използват се домашно приготвени сладка и мармалади, свежи плодове, натурална сметана и мляко и други естествени продукти. От нищо не се пести.

  • company profile

    Krokantina OOD

    • Company introduction:KROKANTINA products are made with much attention to even the smallest detail in order to satisfy your every desire and to realize , without limitation, your every dream fantasy ! It is our duty and calling to make unforgettable tale each of your holiday ! Let's continue , mutual trust built over 10 years now , with you our customers gives us satisfaction , happiness and prosperity ! And each Yours expensive holiday, let him be ours - stamped with the unforgettable taste of sweets, with preserved brand KROKANTINA !
    • Contact Person Name:Атанаска Каменова
    • Address:Монтана, ул. Юлиус Ирасек 10
    • Post Code:3400
    • Telephone #:096 306 056


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