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АРОНИЯ 100% СОК/ ARONIA 100% JUICE 250ml

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product description
  • Description:100% СОК ОТ АРОНИЯ.Естествен източник на антиоксиданти. Без консерванти, синтетични оцветители, подсладители и аромати. ОТ СВЕЖИ БЪЛГАРСКИ ПЛОДОВЕ. По оригиналната технология на проф. Христо Крачанов. БЕЗ ДОБАВЕНА ЗАХАР. Съдържание: 100% студено пресован сок от плод арония. Плодово съдържание 100%. Приготвен от 342 плодови зрънца арония КАЛОРИЧНОСТ: 50 kcal (215kJ)/100 ml. Пастьоризиран. Този сок е подходящ за диабетици. Сокът не е произведен от плодов концентрат. Да се съхранява на сухо, защитено от пряка слънчева светлина място. След отваряне да се съхранява в хладилник (1-5) и консумира до 3 дни. Препоръчителна дневна доза: по 50мл два пъти дневно (сутрин, след закуска и вечер преди лягане). ARONIA / CHOKEBERRY/: fruit juice. FROM FRESH FRUITS. By the original technology of prof. Christo Kratchanov. NO SUGAR ADDED. Contains: 100% cold-pressed aronia fruit juice. Fruit content 100%. Prepared with 342 aronia berries(chokeberries) CALORIES: 50 kcal (215kJ)/100 ml. Pasteurized. This juice is suitable for diabetics. This juice is not produced from fruit concentrate. Keep at room temperature in dry, protected from direct sunlight location. Refrigerate after opening and consume within 3 days. Daily Dose: 50 ml twice a day (in the morning, after breakfast and in the evening before bed).
  • Availability:In Stock
  • Place of Origin:Bulgaria
  • Warranty:18 months
  • company profile

    Vitanea Ltd.

    • Company introduction:Vitanea Ltd. was established by Prof. Hristo Krachanov and activities of the company include: • development of innovative technologies and • production of healthy and functional foods. The wide range of healthy foods available today VITANEA and ongoing research firm output as a leader in the production of functional juices and nectars. Vitanea is known most natural, healthy and nutritious juices. In a word - real. The technology of production of beverages is unique and retains all the beneficial components of the fruit. To this day we continue to improve our products with the brand Vitanea, with the sole mission to offer only the best, useful and Bulgarian. Nectar of Vitanea are necessary supplement to nutrition!
    • Contact Person Name:Благовеста Крачанова
    • Address:бул. В. Априлов 97
    • Post Code:4002
    • City:Plovdiv , Bulgaria
    • Cell Phone #:+359 884 524 995
    • Telephone #:+359 32 644 016


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