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product description
  • Description:Global temperature rise of 0.1 degrees ... and you can not stop it. But! You can change the environmental impact of your organization. Certifying your care and preventive environmental standards in accordance with EN ISO 14001:2004 and praise of their neighbors to follow your example. Then, while reading texts in the global network, global temperature will be the same as it is today.
    For the implementation of the system must build environmental policy that can apply through the general and specific objectives and programs. You must define the roles and resources (human and material) through which to implement its defined goals. Determine what are the essential aspects of your business that most impact the environment and determine how to manage these aspects. Develop action plans for environmental incidents and accidents. Conduct internal audits and analysis of the results obtained during the management review. Then you will pass through the certification process and have achieved another goal in your portfolio.
    In the meantime, we will be available to make the process of implementation of EN ISO 14001:2004 clear, saving resources and ensuring success.
  • company profile

    Kois Ltd 2007

    • Company introduction:We provide our partners the best on their way to successful certification. Currently there is no single organization consulted by our company which is not successfully passed certification. We know that the test is the highest form of trust, so please, get in touch with one of our customers and seek their opinion on the quality and our professionalism in the delivery of advisory services.
    • Contact Person Name:Камен Благоев
    • Address:София, ул. Братя Миладинови 66, ет. 3
    • Post Code:1202
    • Cell Phone #:088 9204000
    • Telephone #:088 9204000


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