Aviation fuel
- product description
- company profile
product description
Description:Kerosene is a flammable hydrocarbon liquid. It is used as jet engine fuel. It is produced from primary kerosene distilled fractions, which have undergone additional hydro treating.
Category:Other Energy Related Products
Seller:Saxa Ltd
company profile
Saxa Ltd
- Company introduction:Saxa Ltd is the largest company entirely Bulgarian fuel distribution. Over the past ten years the company have as a major fuel supplier and wholesale services connected with the oil business. The development and success of the company is the result of experience, highly qualified staff and proper satrudichestvo with partners, OMV Bulgaria Ltd. EKO Bulgaria EAD, Shell Bulgaria EAD and Rompetrol Bulgaria.
- Contact Person Name:Светозар Димов
- Address:кв. Курило, Пб Сакса, ул. Кременица 1
- Post Code:1280
- City:Novi Iskar , Bulgaria
- Telephone #:02 9917224