Мраморен паметник 9
- product description
- company profile
product description
Description:Надгробен паметник, изработен от бял мрамор- Sivec. Моделът може да бъде изработен и от друг вид материал. За повече информация тел: 0888641497; 0887508043
Category:Stone Carvings and Sculptures
Availability:In Stock
Place of Origin:Bulgaria
Minimum Order Quantity:1
company profile
- Company introduction:Petko Parchev ET offers professional and quality workmanship of tombstones in Sofia, funeral slabs, inscriptions, engraved portraits, repairs and installations. We have a very large selection of models and samples and we work with quality materials. We can realize all your ideas!
- Contact Person Name:Петко Парчев
- Address:София, ж.к. Надежда, ул. Тишина (под надлез Бакърена фабрика)
- Post Code:1229
- City:Sofia , Bulgaria
- Cell Phone #: : клик
- Telephone #: : клик
- Geo Location:Show
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