Serviz of monitors (CRT and LCD)
- product description
- company profile
product description
Description:"LM-Service" Ltd. is a specialized warranty and non-warranty service of monitors (displays), notebooks (laptops, notebooks and netbooks) and stationary computers. Supply of spare parts and rechargeable batteries (RBC).
Category:Repairs & Maintenance , Monitors
Availability:In Stock
Seller:LAN Service
company profile
LAN Service
- Company introduction:LAN Service Ltd. was founded in 1996 as ACS for inwarranty and out-of-warranty service of monitors (display), uninterruptible power supply (UPSs), laptops, netbooks, notebooks, desktop computers, workstations, printers, projectors and MFU units. Delivery of spare parts and batteries (RBC).
- Contact Person Name:Георги Наков
- Address:бул. Капитан Димитър Списаревски 3
- Post Code:1592
- City:Sofia , Bulgaria
- Telephone #:02 9602360
- Fax #:+359 2 9602369