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Course "Techniques for conducting business negotiations and communication with customers"

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product description
  • Description:Learning Objective:
    Participants should acquire skills:

    Serve with customers of the bank goal-oriented negotiations and to build positive client, a dynamic model of treatment;
    Do react with any conflicts with clients, constructive and peaceful conflict to transform a client in a conversation with a positive impression.

    Main content:

    Fundamentals of the theory of communications;
    Recognizing the personality of the client;
    Communicative and psychological processes in conversation with customers;
    Techniques for negotiating bank-client associate;
    How to react when a customer complains of individual employees of the bank;
    Confidently presenting bank employee;
    How to monitor employee feelings;
    How to fit in special customer wishes;
    How the red-necked client to make a cooperative client.

    2 days + 1 day follow-up workshop after 3 months.

    Target group:
    The seminar is intended for experts from departments working with clients in the Bank Credit inspectors, consultants, department heads, cashiers / all working at a desk / etc. whose activity requires interaction with customers.

    Methods of conducting the seminar:
    In the spotlight are dynamic teaching methods to simulate different cases, video analysis, comment the right decisions or actions. In this way they become a means of verification, a tool for acquiring new knowledge.
  • company profile

    TBS Consulting

    • Company introduction:The main activity of the company is TBS Consulting organization of professional training at home and abroad, business training, corporate events, seminars, international conferences and business trips. Our primary goal is through modern teaching methods, pleasant atmosphere and perfect organization to meet the high requirements of our customers. We offer a wide range of training topics: health and safety, fire, construction, quality management, preparing assessors of real estate, machinery and equipment, whole enterprises, accounting and more. The programs of our courses are tailored to the needs of our customers in line with the spirit of modern dynamic changes in the economy of our country, we enjoyed the experience of similar companies in Austria, USA, Germany, Holland, Denmark and others. We also offer corporate training in convenient time and place previously agreed program.
    • Contact Person Name:Сотирова
    • Address:бул. Княгиня Мария Луиза 92, ет. 5
    • Post Code:1202
    • City:Sofia , Bulgaria
    • Cell Phone #:0888 603 724
    • Telephone #:02 8310033


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