Installation of thermal insulation of building
- product description
- company profile
product description
Description:GREEN LAND LTD provides installation of thermal insulation of buildings. The company is specialized in the construction and repair and finishing activities.
Availability:In Stock
company profile
- Company introduction:GREEN LAND LTD was established in Varna in 2011 and inherited experience and tradition of leading companies in the field of construction. GREEN LAND LTD provides new construction of residential and public buildings to fully rough construction completed including completion of all documentation supporting the process to issuance of the final object. The company also specializes in the construction and repair and finishing works - repairs, reconstructions of public buildings. For our team building is not just a job. It is a pleasure, pride and satisfaction from their efforts. GREEN LAND LTD specializes in the care and management of the property in accordance with law or the condominium contracts for individual management of industrial and private houses and villas.
- Contact Person Name:Росица Петрова
- Address:бул. "Цар Освободител" № 109А, офис 22
- Post Code:9000
- City:Varna , Bulgaria
- Cell Phone #: : клик
- Telephone #: : клик
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