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Годишно приключване 2014 година - Вашето счетоводство на достъпни цени!

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product description
  • Description:Счетоводна къща Терзиев и Ко предлага промоционални счетоводни услуги за фирми нерегистрирани по ДДС в частта за годишно приключване на счетоводната 2014 година. В пакета услуги се включва осчетоводяване на първичните счетоводни документи, годишно приключване, изготвяне и подаване на всички необходими данъчни декларации, както и подаването на годишния финансов отчет в Търговския регистър към Агенцията по Вписванията.
  • Availability:Contact
  • Place of Origin:Bulgaria
  • Warranty:Lifelong
  • Wholesale Price - VAT Excluded:30,00 BGN
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:Life is a balance - There's assets and liabilities have We are a young ambitious team of professionals dedicated to accounting depths. The goal that we have set the foundation is to give a new image of the book house, concept of remote bookkeeping of each company. We are not the norm in contrast to the responsibility we have for different companies in different industries. We detail the precise accounting is important. One of the main goals we have set for ourselves is possible to minimize costs while managing to deal with side accounting activities. We make visits to the client's office at no extra charge regardless of the purpose of the meeting. Offer subscription accounting services ET, Ltd. Company, BD, DG, OCAC, AD, AD, and persons exercising liberal professions. Customers who require a single implementation and accounting services, Tax Return of the companies that were not customers in the current year tax preparation to individuals and entities with the necessary payment to them. Accounting Services Accounting Office of Sofia Terziev and Co. - Always Near You! Full accounting services. Subscription and single accounting and consulting services with a guarantee of excellent quality. Registration of Companies. Competitive low prices!
    • Contact Person Name:Станислав Терзиев
    • Address:София, жк. Дружба 1, бл. 42 вх. В
    • Post Code:1592
    • City:Sofia , Bulgaria
    • Cell Phone #: : клик
    • Telephone #: : клик
    • Geo Location:Show
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