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Clear Light Anti Acne

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product description
  • Description:Three times as fast, efficient and painless TREATMENT OF ACNE

    Imagine .... a clean skin ClearLight ™ acne therapy.

    The latest technology to effectively treat acne.

    Acne is one of the most common and stubborn skin problems. Regardless of skin type or lifestyle about 80% of the population suffers from acne. However, many patients do not respond adequately to the latest treatment options, while others develop problematic side effects.

    The price of standard procedures and their duration makes them the ideal choice. Now, the new handset ClearLight ™ Acne Photo ClearingTM (APC ™) (acne fotoprochistvashta) technology gives doctors a new tool for clearing acne manifest medium without side effects, patient discomfort, photosensitivity or recovery period.

    ClearLight ™ uses high-intensity, enhanced, narrow-spectrum light. This light kills bacteria P.acne that is the cause of acne.

    In Bulgaria treatment ClearLigh ™ can conduct only in medical cosmetic center Medea in Varna.
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:Medical Cosmetic Center Medea is the market of laser aesthetic services in 2001 Our goal is to create and provide to you - our customers a product that meets your requirements for quality and state of the art. In Medea, we want you to feel comfortable, cared for and rewarded. We strive to continuously study and offer the latest scientific and technical achievements in the professional sphere of our activity. We maintain a team of highly qualified, dedicated and motivated staff who are trained and certified in France, Italy and Bulgaria in the period and professionally solve your problem. Each specialist is aware of the importance of their actions in terms of meeting your requirements and prosperity of the organization. Study your needs, requirements and proposals that serve to improve our services and performance improvement of the system of quality management. Medea is certified to quality standard ISO 9001:2000. We do not allow the creation and supply of a deviation. We strive to provide the most modern infrastructure and meet the highest international hygiene standards. We do not want you to change completely and do a pretty small change that will give you confidence and self-esteem that are beautiful and actually have always been such. Come to find different concerns, which is only for you.
    • Contact Person Name:Нели Тонева
    • Address:Варна, ул. Никола Вапцаров 3В
    • Post Code:9026
    • City:Varna , Bulgaria
    • Cell Phone #:087 8712222
    • Telephone #:052 712222
    • Geo Location:Show


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