Biological Peeling a Fruit acids
- product description
- company profile
product description
Description:Шестстепенна система за професионално лечение с фруктови киселини, подходяща за всички кожни типове и възрасти. Биологичен пилинг с киселини от ново поколение! Съдържат фруктови(АНА) и Глеколова киселина, от различен вид и в концентрации според типа кожа.
Прилага се целогодишно, включително през летния сезон.
Прилага се целогодишно, включително през летния сезон.
Category:Cosmetics - services
company profile
- Company introduction:Venus Fashion studios offers: Luxurious surroundings and spectacular decor qualified personnel modern equipment Quality materials from prestigious brands Modern technology in the treatment of dermatological and aesthetic problems Full range of beauty and relaxation treatments: Hair - men, women, children Facials and body - cleansing therapies and treatment Massage - for relaxation and healing Hair removal electroepilation Grimm - day, evening, stage Drilling ears permanent makeup Thickening and hair extensions Embed shallow Best guarantee for your satisfaction is what we have achieved so far.
- Contact Person Name:Иванова
- Telephone #:088 9767620