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Terostat 9220

Terostat 9220

  • Seller:IC
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product description
  • Description:Лепи метал към метал, пластмаси (с изключение на РР, РЕ), дърво, боядисани повърхности. Полага се с всички видове професионални системи за нанасяне, най-оптимален PowerLine II.

    Вашите предимства:

    Мощно лепило, подходящо за точково заваряване без драскотини
    Прилепва към широка гама материали без праймер
    Висока устойчивост към стареене, климатични промени, UV светлина и солена вода
    Без изоцианати и разтворители

    Технически данни:

    Продуктова основа: 1К MS Полимер
    Време за изпарение / време за формиране на кора / трайност след смесване: n.a. / ca. 15 мин. / n.a.
    Характеристики на лепенето: Мощно лепило
    Опаковка: Туба 80 мл, Картуш 310 мл
  • Availability:Online
  • Seller:IC
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:IC Ltd is a limited liability company established in February 2005. Subject of activity is trading in chemical products and materials - binders, binder, cleaning and other services designed for repair and maintenance of machines and technological equipment. Main product lines are: I. Chemical products: 1. Hygiene (cleaning, degreasing) of mechanical and electrical assemblies, components, parts and components. 2. Cover and Conservation of mechanical and electrical systems and devices. 3. Cleaning and washing of heat exchanger systems. 4. Modern tools and methods to optimize repair of technological equipment. 5. Processing of technical water - water treatment (desalination) of boiler water, cooling correctional treatment systems, waste water treatment. 6. Industrial products range from Loctite and Teroson. 7. Products for maintenance and repair of motor vehicles under the brand Teroson. 8. Ice products and systems with high performance and low environmental load - Aysmelt, Premelt. II. Technical and technological products: 1. Air compressors and equipment for them to Atlas Copco. 2. Hoses for various transport media, in different environments and conditions. 3. Abrasive materials - CDs, tapes, shlayfpasti, polirpasti. 4. Lubricants - oils, greases, cutting oils.
    • Contact Person Name:Валентин Димитров
    • Address:ул. Александър Стамболийски 47
    • Post Code:2500
    • City:Kyustendil , Bulgaria
    • Telephone #:078 526626
    • Fax #:078 526626
    Price VAT Included:Ask for price

    Teromix 6700

    • Seller:IC
    Price VAT Included:Ask for price

    Terostat 9320 SF 6 в 1

    • Seller:IC


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