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Brake pads, discs

Brake pads, discs

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product description
  • Description:Brake pads, discs for all cars
  • Seller:KANEX EOOD
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:"Kanex" Ltd. was established in January 1995 in Sofia and is specialized in the import and distribution of spare parts and lubricants for cars and trucks. "Kanex" Ltd. is the official importer and distributor for Bulgaria of products under the brand name Champion Motor Oils, Bendix, Jurid, Autolite, Delphi, Delphi deCarbon, ETF, Maggi, Rolmax and others. Our company is the sole distributor of production in Bulgaria linings for trucks brand FRITEC. Offered by Kanex Ltd. auto parts are original quality from manufacturers - suppliers of automotive companies worldwide. Bendix-Jurid, Autolite, Delphi de Carbon are world leaders in the production of auto parts OEM. The main task of our team is the maximum satisfaction of our clients. The aim of our work is to achieve long-term cooperation with our partners, suppliers, and partners with the Bulgarian market. The main principles of our work are: - Honest relationship with our partners - Optimal organization and efficiency in the processing and execution of orders - Maintaining a rich stock of spare parts - Provide current and comprehensive information to our distributors and customers - Adequate pricing
    • Contact Person Name:Красимир Вушков
    • Address:София, жк. Манастирски Ливади, ул. Пирин 73
    • City:Sofia , Bulgaria
    • Cell Phone #: : клик
    • Telephone #: : клик
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