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Премиер Е (Premier E) 1,5kg

Премиер Е (Premier E) 1,5kg

Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
60,00 BGN

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product description
  • Description:ПОДОБРЯВА ПЛОДОВИТОСТТА И ИЗГРАЖДАНЕТО НА МУСКУЛНА МАСА - ДОБАВКА ЗА ВИСОКИ ПОСТИЖЕНИЯ Премиер Е е добавка с висока концентрация на витамин Е за коне и понита, които се нуждаят от осигуряване на високи хранителни нива. Премиер Е е мощна антиоксидантна формула, която подпомага отстраняването на свободните радикали в мускулната тъкан. Премиер Е помага в изграждането на здрави мускули и подобрява плодовитостта. •Високо съдържание на витамин Е за естествени върхови постижения; •Четири ключови съставки в глюкозна база; •Подпомага плодовитоста при разплодните кобили и оплодителната способност при жребците; •Помага в поддържането на здрава мускулна тъкан. Инструкции за ежедневно хранене: Коне по време на тренинг и състезания – 50 g; Животни за разплод – 50 g; Понита – 25 g. Аналитичен състав за 50 g: Витамин Е – 3000 iu; Лизин – 2750 mg; DL – метионин – 1000 mg; Селен – 1 mg. 4 kg - 145,00 лв.
  • Availability:Contact
  • Seller:WESTERN BG
  • Place of Origin:England
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    • Company introduction:Uestarnat always had a pull of the wild west, for some it is heroic and lonely cowboys who sow justice with the barrel of his gun, and others - are fearless Indian warriors who will always carry the spirit of freedom and boundless prairies of breath . But neither the former nor the other can imagine them without horses. We are western horses. For this we dedicate ourselves from Western.bg the promotion of western - a concept that started us on the way of riding and the horses, especially going through the typical style of training and education and continues the tradition of rodeo and show and all their contemporary applications . Different disciplines practiced at the time: reining, cutting, western pleasure, barrel racing, and many others help us to feel the splendor of the western and the wild west. It all began in 2003, when the ride started and our instructor was a cowboy, from there came the first saddle, it was natural for the western roping (catching with a lasso). There was horseback riding in Arizona, proyasnenieto thanks to the internet that people in Europe practicing cowboy, western riding. Training in the Czech Republic revealed the true beauty of a perfectly trained horse. The desire to have such horses brought there that in May 2007 we made the first officially registered in America Pine Horse Association horse breed "Paint" in Bulgaria. Since then we have concentrated our forces in the realization of the idea of ​​breeding this species in Bulgaria. In 2008 our first foal is born and also tabled the first stallion. We expect in the future we can share our success with all who love horses.
    • Contact Person Name:Кирил Войнски
    • Address:София, ул. Бистришко шосе 57
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Sofia , Bulgaria
    • Telephone #:0888 840 210


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