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Lecke Pastruese Lentesh

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product description
  • Description:PERBERJA MATERIALE Anti-Statike dhe Anti-Mjegull STANDARTET EUROPIANE / ISO 1. EN 340 MASA dhe NGJYRA 100 Pastruese per kuti. INFORAMCION i DETAJUAR Kutia e leckave vjen me nje mbledhje te plote dhe gati per perdorim. E prodhuar nga karton i zhubrosur me vecori si fund te nxjerrshem per shperndarje te lehte dhe me kapese per mbajtje te lehte. Shperndaresi mban 100 - 5”x 8” pako individuale pastruesesh lentesh.
  • Availability:In Stock
  • Place of Origin:Albania
  • Wholesale Price - VAT Excluded:10.383 ALL
  • company profile

    EXTRABIS Sh.p.k

    • Company introduction:Extrabis Shpk is established for the sole purpose of supplying: - Fashionable Workwear and Leisure Wear (T-Shirt, Polo, Shirt, Sweatshirts, Jackets, Trousers, Bib and Brace, Coveralls and Vests) - Multi Norm Protective Clothing = Fire Retardant, ARC thermal Protection, Antistatic, Chemical Resistant, Winter Padded and Waterproof Clothing (Coveralls, Jacket, Trousers, Bib and Brace, L/S T-Shirt, Polo, Shirt, Sweatshirts and Hoods) - High Visibility Garments (Coveralls, Jacket, Trousers, Bib and Brace, T-Shirt, Polo, Shirt, Sweatshirts, Softshell, Fleeces and Accessories) - Safety and Occupational Footwear (Shoes, Trainers, Boots, Wellingtons, Sandals, Socks and Insoles) - Multi Norm Industrial Hand Protection Gloves = Mechanical Risk Protection, Cut Resistant, Impact Protection, Chemical Resistant, Heat and Cold Insulation, Antistatic and ESD, Oil & Fat Resistant and Food Safe Gloves - Complete Personal Protective Equipment’s (Safety Helmets, Protective Eye Glasses and Spectacles, Ear Protection Ear Muffs and Ear Plugs, Respiratory Dust and Chemical Masks, Chemical Protective Suits, Spill Control and Accessories) - Gas Detection and Measuring Equipment’s - Lockout-tagout (LOTO), Security Locks and labels and Identification tags - First Aid, Eye Wash, Emergency Showers, Cleaning, Hygiene and Skin protective products - Cold Working Environment (Cold Store) Protective Clothing and Accessories - Waterproof, Windproof, Breathable and Thermo Insulated for Outdoors - Promotional and Marketing Garments and Accessories provided under newly formed division EXTRABIS Promo Shop (www.veshjepromocionale.com) Extrabis is a reputable leader in the Albanian market offering quality, comfortable, attractive, modern EC Certified products at very competitive price. Extrabis is the first Industrial supplier offering safety products EN certified by European Testing Houses at competitive prices and Occupational Safety Training and Education in Albanian market, which in turn has helped increase
    • Contact Person Name:EXTRABIS Sh.p.k
    • Address:Unaza e re, Rruga "Veli Deli", 400 m nga Shehi "Shqiponja", Albania
    • Post Code:1001
    • city:Tirana , Albania
    • Year registered:2012
    • Total employees:10
    • Geo Location:Show
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