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Rich Content

MarketKonekt contains the biggest database of products that are offered by the companies in Macedonia. It already promotes over 17,000 different products/services with detailed information for each one of them. Their number is increasing every month for about 5,000.

Available for Every Company

MarketKonekt is dedicated to the principle of providing promotional services reachable for every company. In this moment 160 companies make use of these services, and in the next 3 months their number is expected to reach 700. The information for every buyer and seller are examined in the process of their registration, with the purpose of ensuring their accuracy. Additionally, MarketKonekt tends to be employed by even larger number of users for their daily detailed information about the offer on the market.

Fast and Easy Use

MarketKonekt categorises products and services in 841 categories and subcategories (which may always be expanded upon suggestion of the users), which together with the advanced search engine allow fast and easy search. It contains sections for sales promotion of companies (for example, the Discount and Seasonality sections) and introduction of novelties. The process of publishing offers is fully automated through a simple procedure, in just a few minutes at any time of the day.


shopping assistance
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