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Wash Center Shpk

  • Company introduction:In 2005, finally is open a laundry center in Student City,Pjeter Budi Street, in front of student house no.11-12,Tirane, which offer up-to-date services like self-serve washing, drying and ironing. So, the first modern laundry center opened while offering self-services modeled after Laundromats in many other European countries. After opening the first laundry center, the next step was working toward the goal of expanding the business and maximizing the client list. After completing a market research study into almost all business sorts that need professional laundry or dry cleaning shop , it was concluded that the lack of these industrial-grade professional machines is extensive. These products are extremely necessary and affect the success of these businesses, while at the same time remaining unknown or unfamiliar to them. A fantastic idea was to build a new business which had to do with sales of industrial-grade professional machines like washer machines, dryers and ironing equipment/ironing table, accessory and spare parts ,as well as building and operating modern Laundromats where needed.
  • Contact Person Name:Wash Center Shpk
  • Address:Rruga Durresit, Rethrrotullimi Zogu Zi, Tirana-Albania
  • Post Code:1001
  • Year registered:2005
  • Geo Location:Show



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Company profile complete46.88%
Number of products831
Member since16 Јан, 2015
Last activity14:51:05 , 16 Jun, 2015


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