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Pompa Uji HP-HV-HPM-HVM Article

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product description
  • Description:Multistage centrifugal pumps with radial cross-section for horizontal or vertical installation. Radial inlets and outlets rotating 90 degrees, with standard UNI/DIN flanges. Closed radial impellers and intake impeller in first stage for improved NPSH. Stages are coupled to each by O-ring seals and secured by strong bolts
  • Category:Pumps
  • company profile

    Pompa uji Pentax

    • Company introduction:Print Email Ku ka uje ka pentax Qarkullimi i ujit dhe i rrjedhesve natyrale dhe sintetike perfaqeson nje ane thelbesore te procesit produktiv te shume kompanive. Zgjedhja e pompave dhe e sistemeve te shperndarjes ndikon ne menyre te drejteperdrejte ne nivelin konkurues dhe rendimentin e kompanise tuaj. Industrite me te rendesishme dhe me te perparuara i jane besuar tashme Pentax, sepse e dine qe mund ti mbeshteten nje performance te larte dhe tek nje besueshmeri tashme e bere proverbiale.Te destinuara per cfaredo lloj perdorimi,pompat pentax, i rezistojne provave teviteve qe kalojne, perdorimit, amortizimit ndaj agresoreve kimike dhe ambjentale duke ruajtur standarte te shkelqyerate funksionimit, me nje partnership transparent si uji.
    • Contact Person Name:Erjon Hasani
    • Address:Rr. " Muhamet Gjollesha", Building 69,
    • Cell Phone #:0682092505
    • Telephone #:0682092505
    • Geo Location:Show


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