Apus - Terracote
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product description
Description:Terrakote jane fasada qe sigurojë mbrojtje termike dhe efikasitet optimal të energjisë për ndërtesat e reja apo të rinovuara. Përveç kësaj, ato ofrojnë mbrojtje te larte nga era të forta.
Category:Exterior Coating & Facades
Seller:Pespa Group
company profile
Pespa Group
- Company introduction:PESPA & ALBANIA ALUMIN” L.T.D was founded in 1990 in Albania by Mr. Lavdosh PETOSHATI, as sole Shareholder. The company is specialized in the aluminum industry, steel, industrial panels with more than 40.000 m2 business premises with 23 production Units. There are more than 400 employees working only in Albania. The main products that our company offers for potential collaborations are as below: 1. PESPA FACTORY EXPORT is responsible for production of: accessories, balustrade, shelter, photovoltaic and chaise lounge. 2. PESPA PROJECT INSTATE ASSEMBLE is responsible for the production & assembling of: glass facades, ventilated facades, steel and glass, as well as assemble of: Doors, Windows, Sun breakers, Persian Grills and Prefabricated Products of different systems. 3. PESPA PROJECT EXPORT is responsible for the production of: Prefabricated Products as Villas, Dormitories, Barracks, Site Offices, Guard Cabins, Offices Separators etc, and other products as: Doors, Windows, Sunbreakers and Persian grills for different systems. From five years now, our company has expanded noticeably its sales also in exports. Our customers are from different European countries such as: Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina but also in Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland, Malta etc. We also have a strong Franchising network with clients like: "Building Power" Switzerland, "Exalco" Greece, "Faraone" Italy and "Inox Mare" a subsidiary of Wurth etc. Our market is expanding even in some African Countries. Our activity is based on: Quality, Competitive Costs, Flexibility and Warranty.
- Contact Person Name:Lavdosh PETOSHATI
- Address:L. 14 Shkozet
- Post Code:2001
- city:Durrës , Albania
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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