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Products for maintenance

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product description
  • Product Description:SKF ‘s production program of tools for maintaining contains tools for assembling, dismantling, bearings, induction heaters, instruments for monitoring the operation of machinery, lubricants and equipment for injection of oil. SKF’s products for maintaining are designed specifically to work with bearings and are made with appropriate sizes and types of applications that allow proper selection of tools at every opportunity.
  • Category:Other Tools
  • Availability:Contact
  • company profile

    B & B-Unikoop

    • Company introduction:B&B UNIKOOP can fully professional and with efficiency to meet all the requirements for all kind of informations, also realization, procurement of bearings and set of accompanying tools with kits, installing (assembling) (disassembling), and complete TECHNICAL SUPPORT for your production. Our offer includes SKF bearings, seals, lubricants, mounting kits, measuring instruments for measurement and monitoring, tools for assembling and disassembling, belts, chains, clutches, etc. In it’s business policy, B&B UNIKOOP is always on the highest level of doing services for all the clients. In terms of quality and delivery, the requirements from our clients are completely fulfilled. The products are with the original SKF quality, that comes with the highest European standards.
    • Contact Person Name:Продажба
    • Address:Ленин 98
    • Post Code:7500
    • City:Prilep , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
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