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Standard drill for wood

Standard drill for wood

Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
780 MKD

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product description
  • Product Description:Карактеристике

    централна точка;
    две рамни сечила;
    десен рез.


    греда, иверица, фурнир, шперплоча, тврдо дрво, меко дрво.
  • Availability:Contact
  • Seller:Arilemetal
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:From the very beginning, the basic idea was high level of production, trade and development of fasteners. Our range of products includes products in accordance with the highest level of DIN and ISO standards, as well as special customized products, such as screws, nuts, washers, rivets etc. Because of our constant efforts, for improvement of the service provided to our customers, “Ariljemetal” in the beginning of 2010 opened a new headquarter premises, which integrate all three segments, the Production, the offices of the commercial and technical department and the warehouse. The new premises are located in the Industrial zone MZT – which is actually the “heart” of the Macedonian Machine Engineering Industry”. The new location covers an area of 2.400m2, presenting a serious resource for providing top services to its customers.
    • Contact Person Name:Продажба
    • Address:Перо Наков 110
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
    • More details
    Retail Price - VAT Included:855 MKD

    Drills for wood (Type LEWIS)


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