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Key cutting machine Keyline - Bianchi 304

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product description
  • Product Description:The electronic adjustment with visual and audible feedback and the operation of the protective shield of the Bianchi 303 enable quick and easy tool replacement, which is essential for the duplication of dimple and track keys. The operation of the protective shield, automatic check, and the micro-switch activated cutter motor, ensure operator safety during machine use. The solid mechanical structure together with the carriage movements on roller-guides minimizes vibrations and ensures a fluid movement during cutting.The carriage is interchangeable and can be easily changed to allow the duplication of special keys. Outfitted with vertical springs, excellent for the duplication of dimple keys, and with lateral springs for laser keys. Efficient led lighting of the clamp make all the operations easier. The accessories can be stored in a convenient drawer.
  • Availability:Contact
  • Seller:Titan-ls
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:Titan-LS is a representative for the following companies: KEY LINE, ISEO , FIAM, GERA, SAB from Italy. This companies are a symbol for safety and quality on the marker worldwide. We perform sale of keys, locks and execution of keys for wholesale or retail. Welcome in our showroom where the professional team will help you in choosing the appropriate solution of product.
    • Contact Person Name:Сашо
    • Address:М.Т.Гологанов 76, Веро 2
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
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